This App is responsible for the whole functions related to the employees from adding, editing, searching, reporting, Custom reporting, Building Org. Chart, Manpower, Transferring employees, creating and managing system users, and finally, it has its own dashboard preconfigured and real-time.
Bulk upload for employees’ full data.
Add system users and access privileges for each.
Career path management from one position to another keeping the history log.
Search engine for employees with multi-filters.
Dynamic reporting system to build your reports like Excel experience
Archive or terminate employees and ability to restore them. List of active, terminated, and blacklist employees.
Digital archiving system for each employee.
Upload all the required documents for each employee.
Availability of digital copies for each staff member to access directly by himself.
Ability to update specific data for specific employees for periodic data updates.
Reset and remove login passwords for users.
Manage employees’ privileges and authorities.
Upload organization chart bulk with employee data.
Preview organization chart, job chart and employees chart.
Adding employees from the recruiting module directly.
Realtime business dashboards & statistics.
Manage and customize all your business reports.
Define employees contract templates for each employee’s types.
Configure system settings as per business needs.
Dynamic data for the whole employee’s data, no fixed data at all.
Add employees with personal data, educational, job data, and more.
Self-explanatory system in 10 steps your module it up and running